Thursday, September 24, 2009


This article is adaped from a recent Sunday morning at FaithCenter Aloha

Isn't it interesting that we have a special word for the act of talking to God? That word, of course, is prayer. While I love the fact that, in Christ, we are given opportunity to relate to God, and that relationship is enough of a mystery on its own, I want to point you in the direction of practicality in prayer. If your relationship to God isn't practical, then it probably won't be very personal or pleasant - or be full of His fire. And if prayer in your life only happens in 'religious' settings and formal language, then it isn't very likely to effect you in the practical places where your real life happens. Knowing and believing in the Lord Jesus is often pictured in the Bible as a walk; that is, your daily path with the Lord. When you walk with another person, you relate to one another through the direction you're going, the purpose you're together, and the words you say. Walking and talking together is one of the most pleasant things we do in life, so it makes a wonderful picture of our prayer-relationship to God.

There are three characteristics for practical prayer that I want to encourage you to make your own.
1. Practical prayer is simple. Talk to God the way you talk to a friend who knows you well. Talk as you do to a person who is welcome "in your space" because the Lord is with you. He's not far off somewhere, and He's not a stranger to your circumstances. Of course, He is different than your other friends - He is your Lord and Savior, Father and Creator, Holy Spirit and Comforter - so He draws your deepest respect and love. Express your words (your prayers) to Him in your own sincere way of speaking - with simplicity.
2. Practical prayer is 'believing'. I love Matthew 21:22 "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." Believing prayer is based on accepting God's Word, submitting to His Kingdom purposes, and moving in spirit-realm dynamics. When you pray in the authority of Jesus' name, you are helping Him cause a stir in both the seen and the unseen dimensions. Do you believe as you pray?
3. Practical prayer is available for His direction. In Matthew 9:28, two blind men asked Jesus for mercy and healing. Jesus asked them, "Do you believe I am able to do this?" That's a great question. The answer has to do with whether or not you are praying religiously, or practically. If you expect Him to answer when you call, then make yourself available to move in the direction of the answer you hope for. The two men stepped up and accepted the Lord's taking hold of their lives. Don't worry about whether your expectation is correct - just move with a sincere heart and faith. Time may be required, but the Lord will make the directional corrections, and it is much easier to do if you're moving and available. It isn't easy to steer a parked car, or a parked Christian. When you pray, get up and get moving in His direction. Be available.

Make your prayers simple, believing, and available. Walk along with the Lord Jesus and pray your heart out. He will supply the fire.

Blessings in His Grace,

Pastor Rich

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


During October, November and some of December, I invite you to read with me. At Faith Center Aloha we have themed 2009 “...a year to grow in prayer”. So, to complete this year, the book I’ve chosen, by Pastor Fred Hartley of Atlanta, is titled PRAYER ON FIRE. A limited number of copies will be available at Faith Center Aloha ($10 while they last) on October 4th at the Launch Service. You can also find the book at online book sites like,, or at
Prayer in Jesus’ name is the Christian’s access to partnership in the work of the Lord. In other words, prayer is how you get involved in what God is doing. Do you feel confident about praying? If not, then you’ll appreciate the author’s personal testimony in chapter one. As PRAYER ON FIRE unfolds, Fred Hartley will be an inspiration to you. Even more importantly, you’ll grow in prayer and I hope you’ll catch fire.
In this blog, I’ll be commenting on one chapter of PRAYER ON FIRE each week. You can read faster, if you like; or you can read more slowly. Some Growth Groups at Faith Center Aloha are using PRAYER ON FIRE as their discussion resource. If you want to join a group, ask me at church on Sunday to introduce you to a Growth Group leader.
You can also add your comments because that’s the beauty of a blog site – it can be interactive. You can also email questions, comments or prayer requests to me at my email address, I will answer you.
So let’s get moving. The launch is October 4. Then simply come back here each week and we’ll put our heads and hearts together as we read.

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Faith Center Aloha
20227 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy