Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Comments based in the reading of "Prayer On Fire" by Fred Hartley III, with Pastor Rich Marshall of FaithCenter Aloha (The Foursquare Church in Aloha, Oregon). This week, October 18 - 24, 2009, chapter two.

As a pastor, "Prayer On Fire" is the kind of Christian book that I love to see my friends reading. It feeds your heart, soul, and mind, helping you grow stronger in the Spirit of God. Take an extra half hour to re-read this second chapter of our book. Take a pen with you so you can underline sentences that inspire you, or that raise questions in your mind. (Especially questions like, 'what should I do now?') The author has given you a foundational tour through scripture references (use the endnotes in the book) for understanding that God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, has revealed Himself down through Biblical history, especially using fire as a vehicle for getting His point and His presence over to people. Since this study is given to help your understanding of God (Greek word for God - 'theos') we rightly refer to this second chapter of our book by its title: A Biblical Theology Of Fire. Theology means, the study of God.

God wants to get His fire burning in you. That is what the gift of the Holy Spirit is all about - His presence poured into a willing and welcomming person (you and me) causes the glow of what the Bible calls His glory. I love the hymn 'Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus'. The chorus ends with "and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace". The essence of Grace is the presence of Jesus (John 1:14-18), and the glory of God is the light that radiates from His presence. We humans were created to be the display dispensers (complete with variable personalities) of the fire, or glory of God as light to all that He has created. Jesus Christ redeems you out of the darkness of sin, for the purpose of relationship in restored glory. Compare two verses of scripture for a moment just to get a glimpse of what Jesus has done to restore your life to its full God-intended purpose: Romans 3:21 and Colossians 1:27. (I'll let you look those up and think about them.)

The effect of fire gives us a picture of the effect of God's presence upon our souls.

Fire provides light. If you've ever gone on a hike late in the day, even staying out past sundown, then you know the value of seeing a campfire burning back at your campsite. It locates the place you want to go and provides the comfort of guidance. Even if you stumble over rocks or debris on the trail or in the woods, that light up ahead will give you the encouragement you need to go the right direction. Fire makes warmth, but only when you stay close enough to it, while also respecting its intensity. Fire consumes flammable material. That's both a good thing, and a great thing as you apply fire to your spiritual growth. It is good because there are many waste materials in you that need to be burned to ashes. The consuming fire of God's presence should regularly be causing wasteful or sinful characteristics to be burned. You shouldn't be comfortable keeping sinful, selfish behaviors in your life. When you experience conviction (guilt, sorrow, and the motivation to go God's way) about the way you are, then spend time with the Father about it. Pray and confess in Jesus' Name. Turn away from your sins and thank God for His convicting fire. Then thank Him for His forgiveness and cleansing (1 John 1:9). Don't stay in the place of guilt by yourself - that only leads to self-condemnation. That would be like staying out in the woods because you don't want anyone to see your face around the campfire. There is no good reason to stay away. Come to the fire of God's presence, together with others who are drawing near to Him. We burn better together, instead of smoldering alone. Fire is amazing. The flames themselves are quite a facsination. The Lord knows just how to build the right fire in us - both as individuals in relationship with Him, and in us together as His Church. We are the flammable material He uses to kindle the manifestation of His presence.

While we live in this world, we are on a journey - a camping trip, if you please. Thank God that He so closely identifies Himself with fire. You can't have a successful camping trip without the use of fire - in its many forms and shapes. Apply that idea to your life: You need the fullness of God's fire. In Acts 1, Jesus instructed those who believed to simply wait in prayer together - wait for the power, wind, and fire of His Spirit that would come upon them. (Acts 2:1-4)

Encourage one another. Wait on the Lord and He will light you up.

In His Grace,

Pastor Rich

Study Guide questions for chapter 2 are on page 159.

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