Saturday, December 12, 2009
Prayer Takes Imagination
In "Prayer On Fire", chapter 5, our author begins by encouraging us when we pray to "stop trying to force it". I know that he's right in that encouragement. Forcing religious prayer can be one of the most empty experiences in life. Prayer that is effective and satisfying rests upon the fullness of the Holy Spirit leading the mind, will and emotions. When you are led by the Spirit of God, then your very imagination becomes a like a water line; a pipe into which the Holy Spirit releases the flow of His thoughts about your prayer concerns.
This flow of the Spirit is what the grace of God in your life is all about. God makes His presence real and effective in your life, in your prayers, when you hold your needs and concerns before Him (to picture a posture of prayer) with open hands. Hartley referred to the Lord impressing upon his mind that he should pray with "cupped" hands. This is an excellent way for you to keep in mind that you and I are "asthenia" - we are weak when it comes to effective prayer. What is effective prayer? It is prayer that takes hold, effectively discerns the problem, and brings the power of God to the scene. Can you and I accomplish that on our own? No. But even so, we still want the power of God in our lives, and in our prayers.
Thank God! He Himself is the answer to our need.
Are you sincere about gaining God's answers when you pray? If you are, then when you have a need or want help for a friend, let the Sprit begin to intercede in you. Open your heart and your mind. Open your imagination. Focus your attention first on the Lord, rather than on the need. By simple faith - believing He will answer and provide - start by giving Him thanks for the coming answer. Be glad - in fact, smile and laugh with joy as you praise God for the answer He is sending. Speak the need or concern to the Lord. Soon you will get a mental image, an imagination, of the blessing that is coming in the form of God's answer. Speak this good imagination of God's answer and declare that the answer is coming. Do you believe the verse that began this page? "The Spirit helps us..." (Romans 8:26). If you believe it, then pray like you believe it. Say it is so - say that you have His interceding help for your need.
The verse goes on to say that the Spirit intercedes with "groanings". In other words - words may be quite inadequate for the work that the Holy Spirit wants you to do with Him. But He still empowers you to pray. Imagine that you are praying for a friend and you feel inspired to believe that a miracle should take place in their life. In your agony over the need for God's help, you go to your best place to pray, and what do you do? You do what Jesus did when He encountered impossible needs. At times, He wept, He touched the need, and He had compassion. This is "groaning". Go ahead and groan in the Spirit, and when you do, believe that the answers come. God is teaching you and me. He seems to be teaching us that He will let us be involved in His compassion for people. I believe that the business of prayer involves imaginative compassion. When you pray, read God's Word to know what He as done. Then imagine His best blessings and gifts invading the concerns that you are carrying, and call upon Him with the loving groans of a believing heart. Take hold of God in your prayers and don't let go.
In 2 Corinthians 3, we get a negative, though victorious word about imagination. "...casting down imaginations ... and every high thing that exalts itself above Christ." Turn that scripture to the postive: Exalt Christ by using your imagination. Let the Holy Spirit capture your imagination and He will give you the words and the groanings to speak. He will teach you the language of effective "prayer in the Spirit, and with the understanding." (1 Corinthians 14)
Imagine yourself praying with His Holy fire,
Pastor Rich Marshall
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Evidence of The Holy Spirit
In my first several years of Christian faith, I was distinctly taught by pastors and leaders that there are folks who believe some strange things about something called 'the Holy Spirit'. The problem was that 'those people' were going around getting all excited, even emotional, and believing that they could do things that the people in the Bible did - things referred to as 'gifts of the Spirit' in New Testament. "Well," we all agreed,"we don't want to get all emotional, and out of control." The problem, it was explained, was that those Christians who believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit for their lives (those pentecostals and charismatics) teach that you have to speak in tongues to be saved, that people can get healed, and that God talks directly to them. Pretty wild stuff.
Our biggest value as young believers was to study the Bible and thereby learn to know Jesus as Lord of our lives. In '71 I went to Bible study groups four or five times each week with my new Christian friends. My life changed for the better. I not only believed what the Bible was teaching me, I truly became a lover of God for what He who He is and what He did for me. At 17, in 1971, I did not yet know that I had entered into an historic time of God's moving among people - a 'river' of His moving. I didn't know there was a Jesus-movement happening, I was just glad that He had changed me. Actually, I was a teen-aged Jesus freak, and didn't yet know what that was. I just loved God with all I had, and I was learning to love people like my Lord does, and serving Jesus gave me a future and a hope. What a life!!!
Guess what my life was showing. My life was showing evidence that I was living by faith and in the fulness of the Holy Spirit. But at the same time, I was being taught by very well meaning people that the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit were "not for today". What was the problem? Where had this divide come between different Christians and their views of what God would do in their lives? I didn't worry too much about it. Over the next few years of my young adulthood, I learned that I most wanted to let God's Word speak for God and believe what it says - no more, and no less. After high school I served in the US Coast Guard in New York, Alaska, and Oregon. In all those places I got together with Christians, joined the church, and taught Bible studies and kept on loving the Lord. I was carrying a deep sense of calling to serve the Lord as a pastor.
In '76, one of my pals in the service insisted that I come with him to the church he had found. I resisted because that church was one of those pentecostal churches that I had been taught was off into emotionalism and speaking in tongues. But God bless Jim and Liz Connolly for lovingly keeping that invitation open. Beside that was the fact that about half the people attending the Tuesday Bible study at our apartment were from the Coos Bay Foursquare Church, where Jim and Liz attended. One Sunday evening in September I went with them to hear a special speaker. Roy Hicks was that church's Supervisor and a wonderful Bible teacher. That evening, Dr. Hicks opened up the Bible that I so thoroughly believed and showed me that the gifts and fulness of the Spirit could not be put aside for today, even though some believers did get out of control in the way they try to use them. He showed that it wasn't alright to get out of control, but it also wasn't alright to take the misbehavior of some and then try to throw out the gifts and power of God. After all, as I had always seen in studying the Scriptures that the power and gifts did not disappear from the page when my old teachers said they ceased to function.
So if the gifts and promise of God in sending His Spirit - His own Presence - to live in fulness in each and every Christian was still true, then it was definitely God's gift for me. So then what did God have for me? And what does He have for you?
Primarily, your spiritual gift is this - it is the baptism and Personal Presence of the God the Holy Spirit in your life. The Holy Spirit comes into you when you first believe. But the fulness of His working in you requires that you keep on completely surrendering your life to Him. Make Him Lord of all you do and all of you. Don't hold anything back. His joy will fill you, and His voice will speak to you through the Bible, through other believers, and yes, through His voice in your own spirit.
And last but not least - what's the deal with the gift of tongues? The faith statement of the Foursquare Church is a very balanced place to turn. It says this - We believe in the Baptism with the Holy Spirit for every believer, with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. I have no problem with stating it that way because that is what the Bible says. Stick with me now. When the Holy Spirit came upon the first Christians in Acts 2, the Scripture says that "they spoke with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance." (KVJ) It doesn't name any other gift being given at that initial point of the Spirit's work. All the other gifts were manifest in them as they went forward and the church grew. But at that initial point, the gift of speaking in a way that simply rose up in them, and in which they cooperated with the Spirit's fire.
And now I'm going to stop because Sandy is all dressed up like a 1971 hippie and is insisting that I go with her to her brother's 60th birthday party.
More about the gifts next time.
Grace and fullness to you,
Pastor Rich
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Comments from Pastor Rich Marshall for the readers of "Prayer On Fire", by Fred Hartley III, chapter 3.
The fullness of the Holy Spirit in my life - and in your life - is one of the most essential acts of God's grace toward us, and on of my most favorite things in the Christian life. The promise of the Father spoken of by Jesus the Son, by John the Baptist, and by the Apostles in the New Testament is only fullfilled by the overflowing presence of God the Holy Spirit in believers like us. Only the fullness of the baptism in the Holy Spirit results in the glory of God in our lives. Without the baptism with the Holy Spirit in your life, you are left with the unpleasant mire of mere religion. It is most unpleasant to try to walk with Jesus Christ without the fullness of the Holy Spirit. I urge you with all that I can: Seek and receive all that the Father has promised. All that He has for you is all that you must have.
I just want to pray:
Thank You, Father, that this fullness, this baptism in the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit, is not dependent on how educated, qualified, or talented we are. Thank You for pouring out Your presence, Your Holy Spirit, into all who wait upon You in humble repentance and full surrender; and that You design Your fullness to be a flowing stream that cleanses, refreshes, and empowers each one over and over. I declare, in Jesus' Name, that the heavens are open for the Faith Center family to receive the in-filling of the Holy Spirit - whoever comes in humble repentance and obedience to You - just as Your Word says in Acts 2:37-39 and Acts 2:4; and Ephesians 5:15-21. Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful desire that daily rises up within me; that desire to worship You with words and expressions of love. When I open my mouth to express what is in my spirit, I know that the Holy Spirit is giving me what is needed - whether with Spiritual language or with the understanding of my mind. Now, Lord, I ask You to give us gifts of the Spirit as 1 Corinthians 12 shows us. Set our prayer ministry on fire with Your presence. Enlarge Your calling upon each one so that we receive Your vision for Holy Spirit-gifted ministry and for our church's ministry. It is Your church, Lord. Set Your fire within us all, with the decency and order that You always bring. As a simple pastor and shepherd in this family, I receive the Holy Spirit in renewed flow and fullness in the church. Oh, Lord Jesus, I call upon You to move powerfully upon each and every one - that they will not be content until they personally surrender completely and experience the fullness of Holy Spirit baptism. IN JESUS' NAME. Amen.
What you've already received from the Lord is miraculous. And because God is always going to be greater, deeper, fuller and more powerful than you or I have ever known before, I say this with complete certainty - He has still more of Himself to reveal to you than ever before. Open yourself to the fullness of the Holy Spirit today, and again tomorrow, and again each day to come. Welcome His overflowing fullness, and He will welcome you to overflow His life each day.
There is no confusion in the Lord. If all your questions about the full baptism with the Holy Spirit are not yet answered, then rest your mind and heart, read your Bible and pray, ask the Lord to reveal more of Himself to you, and come talk to me about it this Sunday morning. Be hungry for all that the Lord has for you.
I bless you with the love of God,
and pray that the full fire of His Spirit light you up,
Pastor Rich
(Seek the Bible-evidence for the fullness of the Spirit. Let the Word define this for you - don't rely upon how you feel about it. Here are some key verses: Luke 11:9-13; John 14:8-17; 15:26; 16:7-15; Acts 1:4-8; 2:1-4, 11; 2:37-39; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; and many more. Let the Word and the Spirit guide you. Receive by faith, and enter-in with a humble worshipping spirit.)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
As a pastor, "Prayer On Fire" is the kind of Christian book that I love to see my friends reading. It feeds your heart, soul, and mind, helping you grow stronger in the Spirit of God. Take an extra half hour to re-read this second chapter of our book. Take a pen with you so you can underline sentences that inspire you, or that raise questions in your mind. (Especially questions like, 'what should I do now?') The author has given you a foundational tour through scripture references (use the endnotes in the book) for understanding that God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, has revealed Himself down through Biblical history, especially using fire as a vehicle for getting His point and His presence over to people. Since this study is given to help your understanding of God (Greek word for God - 'theos') we rightly refer to this second chapter of our book by its title: A Biblical Theology Of Fire. Theology means, the study of God.
God wants to get His fire burning in you. That is what the gift of the Holy Spirit is all about - His presence poured into a willing and welcomming person (you and me) causes the glow of what the Bible calls His glory. I love the hymn 'Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus'. The chorus ends with "and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace". The essence of Grace is the presence of Jesus (John 1:14-18), and the glory of God is the light that radiates from His presence. We humans were created to be the display dispensers (complete with variable personalities) of the fire, or glory of God as light to all that He has created. Jesus Christ redeems you out of the darkness of sin, for the purpose of relationship in restored glory. Compare two verses of scripture for a moment just to get a glimpse of what Jesus has done to restore your life to its full God-intended purpose: Romans 3:21 and Colossians 1:27. (I'll let you look those up and think about them.)
The effect of fire gives us a picture of the effect of God's presence upon our souls.
Fire provides light. If you've ever gone on a hike late in the day, even staying out past sundown, then you know the value of seeing a campfire burning back at your campsite. It locates the place you want to go and provides the comfort of guidance. Even if you stumble over rocks or debris on the trail or in the woods, that light up ahead will give you the encouragement you need to go the right direction. Fire makes warmth, but only when you stay close enough to it, while also respecting its intensity. Fire consumes flammable material. That's both a good thing, and a great thing as you apply fire to your spiritual growth. It is good because there are many waste materials in you that need to be burned to ashes. The consuming fire of God's presence should regularly be causing wasteful or sinful characteristics to be burned. You shouldn't be comfortable keeping sinful, selfish behaviors in your life. When you experience conviction (guilt, sorrow, and the motivation to go God's way) about the way you are, then spend time with the Father about it. Pray and confess in Jesus' Name. Turn away from your sins and thank God for His convicting fire. Then thank Him for His forgiveness and cleansing (1 John 1:9). Don't stay in the place of guilt by yourself - that only leads to self-condemnation. That would be like staying out in the woods because you don't want anyone to see your face around the campfire. There is no good reason to stay away. Come to the fire of God's presence, together with others who are drawing near to Him. We burn better together, instead of smoldering alone. Fire is amazing. The flames themselves are quite a facsination. The Lord knows just how to build the right fire in us - both as individuals in relationship with Him, and in us together as His Church. We are the flammable material He uses to kindle the manifestation of His presence.
While we live in this world, we are on a journey - a camping trip, if you please. Thank God that He so closely identifies Himself with fire. You can't have a successful camping trip without the use of fire - in its many forms and shapes. Apply that idea to your life: You need the fullness of God's fire. In Acts 1, Jesus instructed those who believed to simply wait in prayer together - wait for the power, wind, and fire of His Spirit that would come upon them. (Acts 2:1-4)
Encourage one another. Wait on the Lord and He will light you up.
In His Grace,
Pastor Rich
Study Guide questions for chapter 2 are on page 159.
Monday, October 12, 2009
God on Fire
Many times, God's Word uses the illustration of "fire" to describe the fact and the effect of God's Presence. Pastor Hartley provides a great rundown of instances of God's use of fire, beginning with Abraham and on through. More often than not, when we Christians think of fire, we think of the general conditions of hell, or perhaps of a condemning style of preaching. But from the outset let's track with our friend, Pastor Hartley and with the Scriptures - fire is the description of God's presence.
'Prayer on fire' is the condition we experience when our approach to God - our prayers and thankful worship under the covering and authority of Jesus' Name - meet the manifest Presence of God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Presence of God is what Adam forfeited by entering into disobedience. Out of God's Presence, he and his offspring, including us, became subject to the nature of sin, and the consequence of death. Sin, as you know, never provides the life-satisfaction that temptation promises. It never provides the warmth, the light, or the love that the soul truly needs. Though the soul of man strives to find or fabricate the secret passage on his own, life without the presence of God is frustrating, sorrowful, and sarcastic.
The Presence of God is restored, not through human re-training or qualification, but through God's initiative - manifestation. God has broken in to make Himself known, and to do necessary work. Take a moment to read John 1:1-18 ... and Hebrews 1:1-7. God has manifest Himself to accomplish the work of redeeming (paying the price required by His own justice), and restoring those who place their faith upon Jesus to the place of relationship with Him. He created humankind for close personal relationship with Himself, and with one another. (Matthew 22:37-39) His manifest Presence for redeeming is the Person of Jesus Christ, through whom we gain access to God by faith in what He has done. When His Presence touches believers the manifestation is the fire of restored and useful relationship between God and man - this is the baptism with the Holy Spirit. His part is finished - to make the way open for His own Presence to enter - because we had blocked His Presence by our sinfulness. Your part is to simply and sincerely call upon God the Father, in the name of Jesus the Son. (Romans 10:13; Hebrews 12:28 - 29; Colossians 1:27). Then, with worship and thankfulness, wait on His promise to manifest Himself.
"The God who answers by fire, He is God." 1 Kings 18:24
Have a great time of prayer. Enjoy the fellowship and discussion in your Growth Group.
Finding fulness and fire in Jesus,
Pastor Rich
For more inspiration, read the "Fire Starters" on pages 149 - 155 of Prayer On Fire.
For thought and discussion, consider the Study Guide Questions, beginning on page 159.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Writing has always been a pleasure for me, and I enjoy reading good writing. Reading well written books on the Christian life is an equal pleasure because of the value that is gained. One of my favorite teachers, Dr. Roy Hicks, Sr., instructed us as young pastoral students. Doc often said, in his gravelly southern tone, "When you need a word from the Lord, do as I have done: Read yourself full, pray yourself hot, and pour yourself out." Doc Hicks' instruction will serve you well as you set out to receive from Fred Hartley's excellent book "Prayer On Fire". Read yourself full during these coming weeks as we read together. Get a copy of the book, either at the local bookstore, online (,, or at FaithCenterAloha while the supply lasts ($10).
Pastor Hartley's writing will lead you toward greater heights in Holy Spirit-filled partnership with God. Prayer is that place of relationship-building, purpose-pursuing, life-increasing partnership with God, where no less than His Holy fire will invade your soul and light your way.
I am impressed with the style of Hartley's writing, in that he is personally transparent as a Christian who is discovering new and deeper dimensions in the life of prayer. That single feature should help you to make the author your personal friend as you seek to grow in prayer. Great assets like Bible knowledge, ministry experience, years of believing, even formal theological education can only serve you by ushering you to the place of prayer. In fact, without actual, on-going growth in personal prayer you'll experience only the germination of your seed of faith. But to grow strong roots and a fruitful life that can bear the coming tests of your faith, you will find no effective substitute for fire-filled prayer - emblazoned with God's Presence, indeed, His own characteristic - consuming fire.
Fred Hartley writes to us out of a foundation that reflects a stable, conservative evangelical approach. So often in our media-afflicted, 24 hour a day Christian TV era, you might expect that a book that features the word fire so prominently might come from a wild-eyed imbalance, merely seeking hyperbolic spectacle - but not so in Prayer On Fire. You'll find the author to be Biblically sound, respectful of differing doctrines (within Bible believing Christian faith), and no matter your current level of growth, encouraging - though not timid about the reality of true Holy Spirit fullness.
As a shepherd, I am overjoyed to lead you to the good pasture provided in Prayer On Fire. As you read, wait on the promise of the Father that Jesus the Son delivers - the firepower of His Presence just as in Acts 2. Without that fire-filled fullness of the Holy Spirit, all we would have would fall short. But now in Christ, the fire is falling upon those who would wait as Jesus said, and be set ablaze by His Gift. You cannot receive His fire except by His invasion. Seek Him for the sparks that become the glorious flames of His unique Presence in you.
Read yourself full. Pray yourself hot. Pour yourself out in expanding prayer and the love of God.
Your brother and fellow servant,
Pastor Rich Marshall
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Isn't it interesting that we have a special word for the act of talking to God? That word, of course, is prayer. While I love the fact that, in Christ, we are given opportunity to relate to God, and that relationship is enough of a mystery on its own, I want to point you in the direction of practicality in prayer. If your relationship to God isn't practical, then it probably won't be very personal or pleasant - or be full of His fire. And if prayer in your life only happens in 'religious' settings and formal language, then it isn't very likely to effect you in the practical places where your real life happens. Knowing and believing in the Lord Jesus is often pictured in the Bible as a walk; that is, your daily path with the Lord. When you walk with another person, you relate to one another through the direction you're going, the purpose you're together, and the words you say. Walking and talking together is one of the most pleasant things we do in life, so it makes a wonderful picture of our prayer-relationship to God.
There are three characteristics for practical prayer that I want to encourage you to make your own.
1. Practical prayer is simple. Talk to God the way you talk to a friend who knows you well. Talk as you do to a person who is welcome "in your space" because the Lord is with you. He's not far off somewhere, and He's not a stranger to your circumstances. Of course, He is different than your other friends - He is your Lord and Savior, Father and Creator, Holy Spirit and Comforter - so He draws your deepest respect and love. Express your words (your prayers) to Him in your own sincere way of speaking - with simplicity.
2. Practical prayer is 'believing'. I love Matthew 21:22 "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." Believing prayer is based on accepting God's Word, submitting to His Kingdom purposes, and moving in spirit-realm dynamics. When you pray in the authority of Jesus' name, you are helping Him cause a stir in both the seen and the unseen dimensions. Do you believe as you pray?
3. Practical prayer is available for His direction. In Matthew 9:28, two blind men asked Jesus for mercy and healing. Jesus asked them, "Do you believe I am able to do this?" That's a great question. The answer has to do with whether or not you are praying religiously, or practically. If you expect Him to answer when you call, then make yourself available to move in the direction of the answer you hope for. The two men stepped up and accepted the Lord's taking hold of their lives. Don't worry about whether your expectation is correct - just move with a sincere heart and faith. Time may be required, but the Lord will make the directional corrections, and it is much easier to do if you're moving and available. It isn't easy to steer a parked car, or a parked Christian. When you pray, get up and get moving in His direction. Be available.
Make your prayers simple, believing, and available. Walk along with the Lord Jesus and pray your heart out. He will supply the fire.
Blessings in His Grace,
Pastor Rich
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
During October, November and some of December, I invite you to read with me. At Faith Center Aloha we have themed 2009 “...a year to grow in prayer”. So, to complete this year, the book I’ve chosen, by Pastor Fred Hartley of Atlanta, is titled PRAYER ON FIRE. A limited number of copies will be available at Faith Center Aloha ($10 while they last) on October 4th at the Launch Service. You can also find the book at online book sites like,, or at
Prayer in Jesus’ name is the Christian’s access to partnership in the work of the Lord. In other words, prayer is how you get involved in what God is doing. Do you feel confident about praying? If not, then you’ll appreciate the author’s personal testimony in chapter one. As PRAYER ON FIRE unfolds, Fred Hartley will be an inspiration to you. Even more importantly, you’ll grow in prayer and I hope you’ll catch fire.
In this blog, I’ll be commenting on one chapter of PRAYER ON FIRE each week. You can read faster, if you like; or you can read more slowly. Some Growth Groups at Faith Center Aloha are using PRAYER ON FIRE as their discussion resource. If you want to join a group, ask me at church on Sunday to introduce you to a Growth Group leader.
You can also add your comments because that’s the beauty of a blog site – it can be interactive. You can also email questions, comments or prayer requests to me at my email address, I will answer you.
So let’s get moving. The launch is October 4. Then simply come back here each week and we’ll put our heads and hearts together as we read.
via DVD
Faith Center Aloha
20227 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy