Tuesday, October 27, 2009


(the previous headline actually goes with this posting. I'll figure it out.)

Comments from Pastor Rich Marshall for the readers of "Prayer On Fire", by Fred Hartley III, chapter 3.

The fullness of the Holy Spirit in my life - and in your life - is one of the most essential acts of God's grace toward us, and on of my most favorite things in the Christian life. The promise of the Father spoken of by Jesus the Son, by John the Baptist, and by the Apostles in the New Testament is only fullfilled by the overflowing presence of God the Holy Spirit in believers like us. Only the fullness of the baptism in the Holy Spirit results in the glory of God in our lives. Without the baptism with the Holy Spirit in your life, you are left with the unpleasant mire of mere religion. It is most unpleasant to try to walk with Jesus Christ without the fullness of the Holy Spirit. I urge you with all that I can: Seek and receive all that the Father has promised. All that He has for you is all that you must have.

I just want to pray:

Thank You, Father, that this fullness, this baptism in the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit, is not dependent on how educated, qualified, or talented we are. Thank You for pouring out Your presence, Your Holy Spirit, into all who wait upon You in humble repentance and full surrender; and that You design Your fullness to be a flowing stream that cleanses, refreshes, and empowers each one over and over. I declare, in Jesus' Name, that the heavens are open for the Faith Center family to receive the in-filling of the Holy Spirit - whoever comes in humble repentance and obedience to You - just as Your Word says in Acts 2:37-39 and Acts 2:4; and Ephesians 5:15-21. Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful desire that daily rises up within me; that desire to worship You with words and expressions of love. When I open my mouth to express what is in my spirit, I know that the Holy Spirit is giving me what is needed - whether with Spiritual language or with the understanding of my mind. Now, Lord, I ask You to give us gifts of the Spirit as 1 Corinthians 12 shows us. Set our prayer ministry on fire with Your presence. Enlarge Your calling upon each one so that we receive Your vision for Holy Spirit-gifted ministry and for our church's ministry. It is Your church, Lord. Set Your fire within us all, with the decency and order that You always bring. As a simple pastor and shepherd in this family, I receive the Holy Spirit in renewed flow and fullness in the church. Oh, Lord Jesus, I call upon You to move powerfully upon each and every one - that they will not be content until they personally surrender completely and experience the fullness of Holy Spirit baptism. IN JESUS' NAME. Amen.

What you've already received from the Lord is miraculous. And because God is always going to be greater, deeper, fuller and more powerful than you or I have ever known before, I say this with complete certainty - He has still more of Himself to reveal to you than ever before. Open yourself to the fullness of the Holy Spirit today, and again tomorrow, and again each day to come. Welcome His overflowing fullness, and He will welcome you to overflow His life each day.

There is no confusion in the Lord. If all your questions about the full baptism with the Holy Spirit are not yet answered, then rest your mind and heart, read your Bible and pray, ask the Lord to reveal more of Himself to you, and come talk to me about it this Sunday morning. Be hungry for all that the Lord has for you.

I bless you with the love of God,
and pray that the full fire of His Spirit light you up,

Pastor Rich

(Seek the Bible-evidence for the fullness of the Spirit. Let the Word define this for you - don't rely upon how you feel about it. Here are some key verses: Luke 11:9-13; John 14:8-17; 15:26; 16:7-15; Acts 1:4-8; 2:1-4, 11; 2:37-39; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; and many more. Let the Word and the Spirit guide you. Receive by faith, and enter-in with a humble worshipping spirit.)

1 comment:

  1. Thank You Pastor Rich:
    When you said; life is tough. However without the Holy Spirit life is nearly impossible. If we seek God and His righteousness, then all things will be given us. one of these, being the Holy Spirit.

    Just word and testimony:
    Karen and Myself Julie and Ayrol are reading "PRAYER ON FIRE"
    Karen and Myself have raised our prayer life.
    and it has made a real deference in our life.
    Karen's brother-in-law Bruce Veerkamp had a stroke in September. Karen's sister Adele called. and ask us to pray. The doctor told Adele that Bruce would not walk again, and would have to learn to talk again. We prayed
    God healed him. In two day Bruce was back to normal. Doing everything he had been doing. Adele called Saturday 10-24-09 she was having a panic attack, Karen and I prayed. God healed her. and she hasn't taken med's sense we prayed Adele called and told us that her panic attacks usually lasted 4-5 days.
    Praise God, God is the same today,yesterday,and always.
    some prayer-some power
    more prayer-more power
    much prayer-much power
    I pray that everyone that attend Faith Center. Would live a Christ centered life.
